What is the Cost of Being Early?
A Dedicated Name in Natural Resources Investing

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An investment Firm dedicated to researching and investing in the natural resource industry. We have 46 years of combined experience.

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Who We Are

Our Firm was founded by Leigh Goehring and Adam Rozencwajg, who previously worked together at Chilton Investment Company.

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Natural Resources Market Commentary
October 8, 2024

A quick overview of the Natural Resources Market in Q2 2024: Investors showed minimal interest in commodities and natural resource equities during the second quarter. The A.I. craze continues to dominate the market, with substantial capital flows into the tech sector. The investment public can hardly focus on anything else. Despite this overall indifference, certain commodities demonstrated significant strength during the quarter. Copper experienced a notable short squeeze, reaching a new all-time high of $5.20 per pound in May. Henry Hub natural gas dropped to a low of $1.61 per mcf as the mild winter withdrawal season concluded. However, after hitting a bottom of $1.48 per mcf in late March, it made an impressive recovery, rising nearly 50% and becoming the best-performing commodity of the quarter. In this article, we will delve deeply into the natural resources market.

Trump's Three Arrows
September 27, 2024

President Trump has promised to cut energy costs through increased drilling if re-elected. However, our analysis shows that geological limitations make this goal unrealistic, and history proves that the rocks, not political promises, dictate production.

Gold Stocks Have Never Been Cheaper
September 13, 2024

We believe the present moment offers a golden opportunity to invest in gold stocks, unmatched by any other period in the history of the gold market. The confluence of high gold prices, strong profit margins, and investor apathy creates an investment opportunity in gold stocks that is as compelling as any seen in the history of the gold market. We encourage investors to capitalize on this unique moment - as the potential returns from gold equities are currently unmatched by any other investment in the commodities sector.

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